US WOWGold$ 25.74
UK WOWGold$ 23.76
FR WOWGold$ 23.76
DE WOWGold$ 23.76
ES WOWGold$ 23.76
IT WOWGold$ 23.76
WOWGold is a universal virtual currency in WOW that can be used tho buy auction house items, game time, rare mounts and materials.
Players get WOWGold by killing boss, performing tasks, trading, fighting, PK and other activities in the game. You can get cheap WOWGold at GameGlo too, we have been improving and enhancing our website services, The more secure payment environment and more rapid and accurate delivery will allow you to enjoy new challenges and adventures in the game.
If you want to buy WOWGold, the auction house transaction is our preferred delivery method. After you place the order, please send the screenshot of the auction house to our mailbox in time. You need to choose the server associated with your character, hang pets or equipment, but please do not hang useless items or garbage equipment, so that our team can buy your items during the auction .
Please be wary of anyone who asks you to return your gold for unjustifiable reasons, GameGlo will never ask you to return your gold in game for any excuses.